• Question: How does your engineering help people around you?

    Asked by 878heak43 to Alex, Carmel, Kath, Sean, Steve, Valerie on 13 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Alex Moldovan

      Alex Moldovan answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      It helps them reduce the amount of time they have to spend in the lab trying out things that will never work in the first place

    • Photo: Kathryn Thomas

      Kathryn Thomas answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      Hopefully it will stop people getting serious infections after they have surgery to put in implants.

    • Photo: Carmel Howe

      Carmel Howe answered on 14 Nov 2017:

      If my way of detecting brain activity works then I would love to see it be used for preclinical testing of new drugs (before human or animal trials) or as a way of modelling how diseases that affect the brain like Alzheimers develop and find ways of treating them.

    • Photo: Valerie Bentivegna

      Valerie Bentivegna answered on 14 Nov 2017:

      Hopefully, it will help us understand better how cancer starts and develops, and will lead to better ways of preventing, detecting and/or treating cancer.

    • Photo: Stephen Lang

      Stephen Lang answered on 16 Nov 2017:

      Working in prosthetics for many years I have many friends who are amputees and they all wear limbs I have been involved in the development of.
