• Question: What's your faveroit movie

    Asked by Aaron to Alex, Carmel, Kath, Sean, Steve, Valerie on 9 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Kathryn Thomas

      Kathryn Thomas answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      Singing in the Rain, it’s really old but I love it!

    • Photo: Valerie Bentivegna

      Valerie Bentivegna answered on 10 Nov 2017:

      My favourite is a really weird Serbian movie called “Black Cat White Cat”. It’s ridiculous and funny and the music is amazing.

    • Photo: Carmel Howe

      Carmel Howe answered on 10 Nov 2017:

      lord of the rings

    • Photo: Stephen Lang

      Stephen Lang answered on 12 Nov 2017:

      The Goonies, especially the “truffle shuffle”.
