• Question: If you could ask one question to your idol what would it be?

    Asked by 253heak27 to Alex, Carmel, Kath, Sean, Steve, Valerie on 9 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Kathryn Thomas

      Kathryn Thomas answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      I don’t really have an idol, but if I had one question I could ask anyone I would talk to my Grandpa who died just after I was born.

    • Photo: Valerie Bentivegna

      Valerie Bentivegna answered on 10 Nov 2017:

      I don’t really have one idol.
      If I ever get the chance to speak to Scott Kelly (or Tim Peake), I’d ask what the most amazing part of being in space was.

    • Photo: Carmel Howe

      Carmel Howe answered on 10 Nov 2017:

      i said before that i am inspired by people who can speak confidently in front of large groups of people so I’d ask them for advice and training 🙂

    • Photo: Stephen Lang

      Stephen Lang answered on 12 Nov 2017:

      Like some of the others I don’t have an idol, but I would like to ask 1980s politicians why they decided to invest in banking instead of manufacturing. I think they should be held responsible for consequences of their actions.
