• Question: What scientist would you love to work with

    Asked by Bossman123and4Chickenandc to Alex, Carmel, Kath, Sean, Steve, Valerie on 13 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Stephen Lang

      Stephen Lang answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      I don’t mind who I work with as long as they know what they are talking about and I learn something along the way.

    • Photo: Valerie Bentivegna

      Valerie Bentivegna answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      Wow, that’s a really difficult question, there are so many great scientists!
      I think it would be awesome to work with some of the NASA or ESA scientists. But maybe I just really like space 😀

    • Photo: Alex Moldovan

      Alex Moldovan answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      Would love to work with Nicolas Tesla if he was still alive

    • Photo: Kathryn Thomas

      Kathryn Thomas answered on 13 Nov 2017:

      A guy called Mark Miodownik, look him up he’s awesome.

    • Photo: Carmel Howe

      Carmel Howe answered on 15 Nov 2017:

      Marie Curie if she were still alive
